My Air Freshener

Jan 26, 2021


What Were Your Goals For 2023?

As part of business planning, last year, you might have prepared a plan for your business goals. The plans likely could have been to introduce a new customer experience improvement or a new sales strategy. However, the 2020 pandemic prevented most business initiatives to move forward. A majority of businesses missed their targets, and many suffered financial losses. The situation unleashed by the unexpected deadly pandemic has definitely impacted last year’s business goals.

With the start of new year, take the opportunity to re-align business goals and leverageany benefits of new processes that have come forth.

What New Opportunities Did 2023 Bring?

Year 2023 brought challenging times. But there were several opportunities to think of making a stronger comeback for most of us. So much so that 2023 can easily be proclaimed as the most difficult year for majority of businesses across the world. The lockdowns, specifically, rolled out changes which made small, medium businesses and big conglomerates, re-think and re-organize their sales and marketing strategies.

During months of lockdowns and prevented access to physical stores, many alternative channels for marketing and promotion emerged as reliable options. Amidst this, it was realized how effectively alternate promotional means and channels can be utilized for reaching out a larger group of customers. In these tough times, many business players realized the importance of finding innovative ways to market their products and services. Realizing how these means can help broaden the horizons of business and make it more future-ready.

What Didn’t Go as Planned?

The year 2020 might have prevented you from exploring newer markets and shores. Or to adopt newer promotional strategies to create increased brand awareness, halting the application of some crucial new initiatives. As businesses failed to generate satisfactory sales figures, and revenues dipped, the customer experience took a major hit.

Therefore, 2023 is the year to re-think, re-plan and re-strategize. Adopt effective business planning and goal setting and promote your business like never before in this New Year.

Without dwelling on missed opportunities, the goal of your business should now revolve around these aspects:

1. Introducing new customer process: For long, you have continued with the same customer retention tactics. Let 2021 to be the year for accumulating the knowledge and learning of previous years for setting the next round of business goals. Go for a new customer process and include exceptional customer service all types of channels such as social media.

2. Increase traffic on a business website: Re-identify the goals for your business website. Make use of available data and figure how a viable content marketing strategy combined with digital marketing can do wonders for website visibility. Promote the user experience through paid advertising and marketing channels to target new customers, the way you planned before the pandemic struck. Focus more on segmenting types of customers, target them with lucrative offers as your sweat to retain the existing customers through innovative steps.

3. Build brand identity: Keep brand awareness among the top priorities in the New Year. Increase your brand value, create ads and apply innovative promotion tactics which are future-ready and engage the customers to the maximum. Take the brand ideology closer to your customers through path-breaking promotional sources. For example, raise the brand awareness with custom articles on the value of custom air fresheners.

4. Utilizing social media marketing: Make the most of the power of social media. Use it for maximum visibility and commencing conversations with customers that add mileage to the business. Perceive your marketing plans from the social media perspective for 2023.

5. Invest in cyber security measures: As the digital age proceeds, invest in solidifying cyber security measures. When customer transactions start taking place through a multitude of online channels, fortify your business’ crucial assets with rigorous cyber security steps.

6. Adopting automation opportunities: Automation has been the language of the digital ecosystem. Adopt what makes your business sets on the fast trajectory, endorse tools like marketing automation. Create an umbrella-shaped process to monitor and track the progress of all marketing initiatives through digital and social media channels. Bring the offline channels into the ambit, as well.


Since every business vertical suffered during 2020, and your business goals didn’t turn into reality, then take another shot and aim for even higher goals. It is the right time to look forward towards new opportunities in the New Year with renewed planning and extensive business goal setting.

Majority of the business initiatives might have suffered in the year gone by and scheduled business promotions for customer out-reach failed to see the daylight. Using this opportunity to turn negatives into positives, to speed up, plan, and identify newer ways to stand out for the customers, aligning priorities, setting new timelines and reaching your business goals, faster than conceived in the year 2023 can happen. Gear up and take bold steps like website visibility, innovative business marketing through promotion tactics, social media awareness and marketing automation to ensure business success for a favorable business outcome in 2023.

Adding custom car air fresheners to your new year's business goals can be a smart move. My Air Freshener offers unique air fresheners that make them an effective way to reach your target audience and create brand awareness. Additionally, custom car air fresheners can be a great way to build customer loyalty and create a lasting impression on your customers. With our air fresheners, you can set new business goals for increasing brand awareness, boosting customer engagement, and promoting your brand's values and messaging. 

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